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By The Goodman Taylor Team

We want to help you live the best life you can, one where you find your dream home, move to the perfect location, or receive a life-changing deal. We’ve done this for countless clients in the past, and we’d love to do it for you too. After all, there’s a reason why we’re one of the most trusted real estate teams in our area.

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Selling a home is more complex and delicate than you think. If you’re not careful, one wrong move can cost you thousands of dollars. As a real estate expert, I’ve seen how simple mistakes cause sellers to lose significant profits. That’s why today, I will share the three most common yet costly mistakes home sellers mistake and how to avoid them:

1. Pricing your home too high. One of the biggest mistakes sellers make is pricing their home too high. Many believe that starting with a higher price gives them room to negotiate, but this often backfires. When a home is priced too high, it doesn’t attract enough interest or showings. The property sits on the market, becoming stale, and eventually, a price reduction becomes necessary. By the time the price is lowered, buyers may perceive the seller as desperate or assume something is wrong with the home, leading to lowball offers. In the end, the seller receives less than they would have if the home had been priced correctly from the start.

2. Neglecting necessary repairs. Before listing your home, it’s crucial to address any obvious repairs. Small issues like a broken doorbell, poor curb appeal, or a lack of natural light can be deal-breakers for potential buyers. These seemingly minor problems can leave a negative first impression, making buyers less likely to make an offer. Investing in these small repairs can prevent your home from sitting on the market and ensure that you get the best possible price.

“We offer a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to help our clients attract the most buyers for their homes.”

3. Failing to declutter and depersonalize. Your home may be filled with memories and personal touches, but when it comes to selling, less is more. A cluttered or overly personalized space can make it difficult for buyers to envision themselves living there. It’s essential to declutter and depersonalize your home before showings. This allows potential buyers to see the space as a blank canvas for their own lives. When a home feels too personalized, buyers may struggle to connect with it, leading them to make an offer on another property instead.

To help our clients sell their homes quickly and for the best price, we recommend maximizing the digital marketing platforms to create positive and impactful first impressions. At the Goodman Taylor Team, we offer a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes professional photography, 3D walkthrough tours, and high-definition videos that showcase your home in the best possible light. By investing in professional marketing, you can potentially earn tens of thousands of dollars more on the sale of your home.

If you’re considering selling your home, reach out to the Goodman Taylor team today for service you can trust. We’ll be more than happy to help you avoid these common pitfalls and maximize your profits. Just call 480-382-8093. We look forward to hearing from you!

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